The tremendous role of drone jammers in electronic warfare

The first use of countermeasures against electronic interference can be traced back to the Second World War. Radar-controlled artillery shot down many enemy aircraft. These systems use radar signals to block and track air targets and command air defense firepower. When conducting critical joint operations, the Resistance placed the drone jammers near these weapons. The image in the news film shows how the shell randomly rotates and shoots randomly due to interference.

In electronic warfare, some officials said that the equipment used was developed by the Russian army and is very advanced, even for certain encrypted signals and anti-jamming receivers. So far, this drone is a small reconnaissance aircraft, unlike the large “predator” and “reaper”, they usually operate in a combat environment and can be armed.

Since the target may be moving, local Wi-Fi broadcasting is a more direct method. Here, when transmitting a signal in a specific frequency band, a higher power level than the initial signal can overwhelm the receiver and block communication. Four U.S. officials told NBC News that Moscow was worried that the United States would block the GPS systems of some small drones in order to retaliate against attacks on the eastern Guta area occupied by the rebels.

But sources told the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) that it turned out that the advanced UAV jamming equipment developed by the Russian army is effective even for certain encrypted signals and anti-jamming receivers.

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