The radio frequency jammers are products capable of eliminating the cellular signal, in the range that goes from a few meters to about a kilometer, causing in some causes real inconvenience for anyone who happens to be in its range of action. Precisely for this reason they are products considered ILLEGAL in Italy and throughout the European community
“This product does not comply with the essential requirements identified by directive ; it is therefore not equipped with the correct and necessary CE marking and therefore cannot circulate on the European Community market, cannot be marketed, cannot be used.
Being an “illegal” product for common use in the European community (a private citizen cannot use a signal blocker because its activation would cause an “unauthorized interruption” of a telecommunication, and this is prohibited by Italian law), the JAMMER it can also be used by the Police Forces, Government and Military Bodies only in the case of special permits, in those specific cases in which it is necessary to “block” a certain specific type of Telecommunication. For example, interrupt telecommunications carried out by unscrupulous people to cause damage to things or people (eg terrorists, criminals, etc.).

It is not strange to note that when a presidential convoy passes by (for example the President of the United States …), cell phones can sometimes malfunction near the moving presidential procession, and in some cases even the signals from the GPS network, in order to avoid potential terrorist acts through “remote controls” or mobile phones.
Many journalists define it as “the bubble”, that is an area in which most telecommunications are “inhibited”, but it is clear that others (for example those used only by escort personnel) are purposely let through.
The producers of JAMMER are many in the world, but it is also true that not all of them offer an “effective”, reliable and “high quality” product, and logically also with a good quality / price ratio.
The best wireless jammer both in terms of technology and “effectiveness” are those with adjustable power, because they allow the operator to manage and exploit the “disturbance power” emitted by the antennas in an optimal and precise way, sending it only to the point (in the frequencies) where needs and leaving suitable free spaces for service communications, thus obtaining the best possible effect, and putting “out of use” the potential “threat”. There are also JAMMERS that can be remotely controlled remotely increasing the safety and “discretion” factor.
It is clear that to obtain the same “effect”, it is also possible to use “non-programmable” type JAMMERS (therefore much cheaper), but much more power is needed to obtain the same desired result, and it is not easy to catch the “target ”And obtain the desired result.
Unfortunately, IEDs, or improvised explosive devices, have unfortunately become famous), and an excellent solution for their contrast is precisely the specific and targeted use of JAMMERS where the study of increasingly innovative technologies is producing more and more Elite and where Italy maintains an excellent record.
Research carried out by the Commission indicates that it is not currently permitted in Member States to block the reception and transmission of GSM signals. Although France has adopted a law that prepares the ground for the use of inactivation systems, there are still no technical implementing regulations that allow the legal use of such devices (jammers). The Commission is aware that inactivation systems are currently commercially available, in particular via the Internet. Such products are illegal and Member States are therefore required to take measures in this regard pursuant to the provisions of Council Directive 89/336 / EEC of 3 May 1989 for the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility or Directive 1999 / 5 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 1999 concerning radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of their conformity, withdrawing them from the market. As the answer to Written Question P-2753/02 from Mr Caullery indicates, the Commission does not believe that activation is the right solution to solve the problem of inappropriate use of mobile phones. The Commission therefore does not intend to present legislative proposals aimed at legalizing the use of inactivation systems.